财新传媒 财新传媒


‘Congratulations. The answer is yes!’




(Screams, Laughters, and Joyful Tears…)


For high school seniors, those five words (especially the first, ‘Congratulations’) from the universities / colleges of their choice may have been appearing in their dreams night after night. As seniors go through the process that is fearfully known as the ‘College Application Cycle’, they may have the following experience on a daily basis. If you are a senior, circle the one(s) that w...


国际教育体制的酸甜苦辣 IB: A Festive Feast

许筱艺 03月04日



‘Hi! I’m also in the acronym festival known as the IB, haha.’ A new Facebook message popped up.


‘So, what is the IB like?’ So did another. 


A walking-on-the-tightrope experience? A merciless predator of sleep? I remembered the series of dark and grotesque metaphors that fellow IB-students attributed to the IB Program, and grinned at this thought. In a previous blog post (titled 'Edutopia'), I outlined my visions for an Edutopia (education utopia, a perfect curriculum), and ...


饮水思源 The Dragon's Den

许筱艺 01月15日


As someone who confesses to be an international citizen, I cannot help but reflect on my origins while also meditating on certain features of culture and its related issues.

Often metaphorized as a dragon, China has providing me with food and shelter for the past 17 years. The fact that the country is a rising dragon that has woken up from a humiliated slumber might be perceived as relevant, since our daily living standards are constantly improving. In China’s modern society, we can see that ...



许筱艺 12月19日


Cheers for Appetite


Learn to travel, travel to learn. Growing up, the increasing appetite for knowledge and progress as a learner is truly empowering. 


'Years, gone. Since when has the timid girl grown up? I still recall the time when she could only communicate with her English-speaking playmates with broken language, and silently watched her friends swim in the lovely lake during a vacation. How is she empowered as a conservationist? Can it be, can it really be her, who pro-activel...



When does it start? Why? How?


00:00, a brand new day arrives, signifying 24 hours until my digital clock declares this number again. A dozen of peers are still on Skype, but let me log off and concentrate more.


00:01 Sheet music, music sheets. Page one, two, and no, go back to one. How does it sound now? Examine this - the flowing melodies, the flying grace of each note, but then - look at this, a fissure in the middle of a beautiful Palace of music. Fix this immediately, g...



We are young and perhaps ‘crazy’ at times. When I was in kindergarten, I was an introverted little girl who had secret dreams. I vividly recall that in the bright classroom with a view of the outside world, the little pony toys and Barbie dolls were at my service. I cuddled them closely, and imagined us in another world, where we were all equals. Why should we ride horses? Do they not feel pain? I would never want anyone to ride on me and whip me! Though I did not know what the word ‘...


Stages: Broadcasting Confidence (舞台...)

许筱艺 09月02日



The spotlight is focused on Centre Stage.


And the microphone is set up.


A stage may be intangible, from my experience. Stages are mainly physical platforms of self-expression for me as a high school student, who regularly appears onstage as an actress, an MC, and a keynote speaker. Interestingly, the metaphorical meaning of intangible stages was discovered when I was at a rather early stage of growth.


Six years ago, a microphone to the 11-year-old me was absolutely m...

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