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Take one step forward with your left foot — a small step suffices. Oh, no flip flops from this point on, please. Feel that delicate texture embracing your foot with such warmth and subtle sounds of acceptance. Another step forward with your right foot, and you experience a marvelous balance. Savour that sensation. 


You tilt your head slightly, feel your long hair lifting and swinging in harmony with the 7:00 AM breeze, and admire the tranquil Cádiz seashores. The sandy beaches extend t...


Three Places, Three Projects: A Research-Filled Summer

许筱艺 09月02日


A crew of businessmen and businesswomen all dressed in black and white, confidently prancing their way down the Mid-Level Escalators while their clones emerge from various corners of the street, including the ‘underground’. A  sunlit sandy beach, mysterious societies of men who pledge their allegiance to the glorious local gastronomic scene, a surreal land where imagination seems to have taken over reality. A page from history that cannot be erased and remains a divisive force after decades…...



村夫日记 05月22日

Latitude Health是一家为大健康领域投资者和从业者提供咨询的机构



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