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永恒的话题 On the Eternality of Truth

许筱艺 05月19日



‘To what extent is truth eternal?’ is a knowledge issue that could be supported by evidence and simultaneously discarded by counterclaims. Although ‘That which is accepted as knowledge today is sometimes discarded tomorrow’ is true to a certain extent, a multitude of examples from different areas of knowledge, including the Natural Sciences, the Human Sciences (as exemplified by Philosophy), and the Arts (as exemplified by Literature) form strong counterclaims that suggest the otherwise...


教育乌托邦 Edutopia

许筱艺 11月22日


     "Utopia", literally "no place" in Ancient Greek, commonly suggests a perfect zenith. Generations of risk-takers and thinkers, intrigued by the hardship in achieving perfection, have attempted to establish their own utopias with countless philosophical ideas. As idealistic as I may be as a high school student who is inspired by them, I have secretly accepted a daring mission of creating (okay, I mean, "imagining") an education utopia, also known as "Edutopia". Of course, I will just be offe...



李大卫 04月22日





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