财新传媒 财新传媒
Doug Young

Bottom line: Two new vetoes for Chinese purchases of US microchip and financial companies are the latest signals the Donald Trump administration intends to use such vetoes to fight for a more balanced trade relationship.

What started as a trickle of dying cross-border deals involving Chinese buyers of US assets is showing signs of becoming a flood, with two new vetoes hitting the headlines. The latest of those is from the all-too-familiar high-tech chip sector, and has US chip maker Xcerra (N...



晓冬 07月26日


  当地时间周二,与比特币、以太坊网络相关的最知名的数字货币价格大幅下挫。周二的下挫或是受到一小部分比特币开发者的影响。这些人支持比特币区块链分裂。   比特币最近备受热议。绝大多数旷工支持提升处理交易速度的软件升级,从而可能避免了比特币分裂为多个数字货币版本的命运!   周二的下挫或是受到一小部分比特币开发者的影响。这些人支持比特币区块链分裂。   不过,Lightning Labs联合创始人兼首席执行官Elizabeth Stark介绍,被称为“隔离见证”(Segregated Witness,即SegWit)的软件方案定于8月24日在比特币区....
Doug Young

Bottom line: A Chinese group's plan to buy the Chicago Stock Exchange could get vetoed by the US securities regulator over concerns about the buyer's inability to prevent the market from becoming a breeding ground for financial abuses.

SEC takes time on Chicago Stock Exchange sale review

Nearly a year and a half after it was first announced, the sale of the Chicago Stock Exchange to an obscure Chinese buyer is still awaiting approval, in what would be a relatively landma...

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