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How could an international NPO’s China branch attract more individual donors from the Chinese working age segment? 




Organisations are facing more competition to attract potential donors especially in markets like China where consumers are not accustomed to donating to NGO’s as compared to mature markets from developed countries including the United States or the United Kingdom.


The question investigated in this report is, “How could an international NPO’s China branc...


地图与市场学 Maps as Metaphors

许筱艺 04月18日


Position maps of Marketing, also known as gap maps or perception maps, and the idea of positioning in general, could be regarded as metaphors in several ways. 


First of all, whichever approach is used to create maps may cannot be 100% accurate, valid, relevant, or precise. The human perception of the world is dominated by knowledge claims that are mostly assumptions. In reality, peeling the surface of an orange cannot result in a flat surface. Likewise, the Earth, as a globe, cannot be ac...


*Note: The following article is part of my IB Extended Essay. 



The question under investigation in this paper is “To What Extent Should Starbucks Glocalise its Products in China?”.

The investigation explores the aspects and implications of glocalisation, a common approach used by global conglomerates, as exemplified by one of the world’s most successful brand (Haig 87), Starbucks. This paper focuses on the impacts of international marketing in relation to Starbucks’...

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