财新传媒 财新传媒


许筱艺 09月24日





《乐成》 :你是何时来到国际学校就读的?与之前的国内学校相比,你觉得都有哪些不同?

许筱艺 (April Xiaoyi Xu):我是九年级来国际学校就读的,那时我刚刚上完八年级。之前就读于北京市重点中学二中的数学实验班,分数被视作最为重要的,所以功课特别紧,我每天回家都要面对做不完的试卷。



初学西班牙语的两年 Spanish: Challenge Accepted!

许筱艺 07月11日


Gender agreements. Subjunctive tense. Imperatives. Conjugations. Words that look easy but turn out to be weird - Lo, Se, Te, Os…


They are all staring at me. Voiceless, yet resolute.


If that’s the attitude Spanish had towards me, then why not respond proactively? With resolution. When first presented the options of continuing to study Chinese at the native speaker’s level or starting to speak a completely new language at the start of one of the most rigorous secondary school educa...


成长 IA Comes Before IB!

许筱艺 07月01日


So adorable is the nature, and so challenging was the journey. It was full of obstacles, challenges and fun. Within the short twenty-eight hours, an awareness of environmental impacts, friendship, leadership and team-working and surviving skills were greatly improved.




All packed, we left school at about eight. A neat assembly line was formed in order to take the bags inside. Sitting on the bus and chatting with my walking, cooking and sleeping partner Anthea, I felt generally r...


国际教育体制的酸甜苦辣 IB: A Festive Feast

许筱艺 03月04日



‘Hi! I’m also in the acronym festival known as the IB, haha.’ A new Facebook message popped up.


‘So, what is the IB like?’ So did another. 


A walking-on-the-tightrope experience? A merciless predator of sleep? I remembered the series of dark and grotesque metaphors that fellow IB-students attributed to the IB Program, and grinned at this thought. In a previous blog post (titled 'Edutopia'), I outlined my visions for an Edutopia (education utopia, a perfect curriculum), and ...

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